
I have learned a variety of things in this class. I was never familiar with many of the programs that I am now able to work with. Programs such as Adobe Photoshop, have helped me in doing projects that I do outside of this class. I wasn't too familiar with program at the beginning but now that I've been exposed to it and how to work it has helped me tremendously. Another program that I've learned to work with is, Sharepoint.

Making websites has its perks with this program than at the beginning when we were just using HTML code. It is much easier to make a website with this program and navigating it. I'm glad I've taken this class because I've learned a lot with computer programs. Maybe for next year
use more interesting projects and more time for them so the students can put together a
decent site and what not to get all their ideas into the project.


The video that I did in my web design was about New York.
Looking at the video of Times Square I automatically thought
oh September 11, 2004. I chose to do this because it was an event
to remember.

Things that I would have done differently on my video is add more photos from
the event that took place. I alo maybe would have used more of my own videos that
I had. Since computers were slow sometimes it was kind of hard to get all
that I wanted done in the video. I also would have done more visual effects if I had the extra time as well as add my own music instead of the ones provided.

EPISD rule

"We have reinforced for a number of years that the use of cell phones or any other kinds of electronic devices while operating a train or a bus is absolutely prohibited," Grabauskas said. In regards to this quote I can completely understand why the would ban these devices since the risk is so dangerous for the passengers, the driver himself, and pedestrians, and other drivers around. EPISD's rule that says that students are not have devices such as "Headsets, radios, cellular phones, etc" in relation has no relation to the CNN story. There is a difference between being a student and being an operator of a motor vehicle. The operator of the motor vehicle has passengers in which he/she is responsible for to transport, and their lives are in his/her hands.

I have mixed feelings about the rule because I know how some of my peers can be very rude to teachers when they have such devices out especially when they are teaching, it is completely disrespectful to that teacher who has enough trouble trying to keep the attention of all the students. Yet, I have seen when teachers let students listen to their iPods and what not in the class after the teacher is done explaining the curriculum, the noise level drops tremendously. It seems as if everybody is actually working than exerting their energy on annoying the teacher. I don't agree with not being allowed to have these devices especially cell phones with us AT ALL because shootings do happen at schools, accidents happen and there's not always a security guard around or for that fact the nurse is not always around in case of an emergency. I honestly think that if there is a rule, the rule should be that when class starts each student puts their devices in a box where the teacher is able to keep track and at the end of class or lecture allow them to retrieve them. If a student chooses not to have put their phone in, and they are caught texting, or listening to music then the punishment will be taken. Even maybe a more serious punishment since they were allowed in the first place to put the device in the box before class started.

20-30 years from now.

I really don't know where I will be in the next 20-30 years. I can only hope for the best and that I am happy where I end up. I'm going to college in San Antonio this year in pursuit of a degree in International Studies or Environmental Design. Which ever I choose to end up doing I plan to travel. I might not even pursue a degree in these majors in the sense that I may change my mind.

I know that I want to travel later in life as much as I can. I hope my job will put me in that position of traveling to places I've never been. I'm not really much of a "kids" person, I don't mind them, but I really don't see myself with children later on. Maybe adopt? My mother says since I say there won't be any grandchildren from me that I WILL end up with more than she had. I really hope not. I love animals, and I'm positively sure I will have as many pets that my allergies will allow me to. I might live in San Antonio but I do like change so there will most likely a number of places that I will be living. Some of my hobbies include playing the flute. I think I might play when I go to college since I've been in band since I was 11. I've enjoyed it and also playing in the chamber orchestra and symphony orchestra has been nice so I might being do something of that sort on the side. 20 years from now, I'll be 40, I hope to be married, possibly, but that's not guaranteed. I see myself doing something that I love and I hope it happens.

Grading System

I really don't mind the grading system we have at our school today. Being graded on an individual basis would be more of an ideal system for me, considering I know there are some students who don't bother to try but still end up getting high grades by cheating and what not. I think we should be graded on both assignments and a test at the end of the year. The assignments would help students assess what they are learning any put it on paper and the end of the year tests would only show how they have progressed in their learnings.

The TAKS in my opinion is a joke. All my years of middle school and high school I feel I have been cheated my education due to the TAKS. The only thing the TAKS has taught me is how to take a test. With TAKS in the way of my education, everything in class was based on the TAKS which allowed no other plan of learning as teachers are required to stay within a lesson plan to fit the TAKS in. The TAKS in my opinion doesn't allow teachers to do their jobs, and that is teach. It makes them go by a plan that government has set, and that I think is the problem. Government should step out of the school system. There is too much involment of the government which is taking a toll on students and their education, rather they should be preparing for college than learning how to take a test.

Crazy Dream

I would have to say that one of my craziest dreams was actually a couple of weeks ago.
I remember it being hazy but for some reason I was in some kind of waterpark, I would say, or so it seemed. I was with a group of kids I don't think I knew and they sky itself was beautiful. It was filled with the most amazing colors and the water itself around was colored.

The place I was at was like a dome and when the moon came out the waters underneath where i was walking had crashing waves. It was quite odd but I thought it was really beautiful to see what I was seeing in my dream. The waters started to change all sorts of colors and then I suddenly woke up in desperate need to drink water. :)

Spring Break

At the beginning of the spring break I waited for 3 of my very close friends from college to come in. Two came in from UT Austin and another from San Marcos, Texas. I was extremely excited to see them because they graduated last year and I hadn't seen them since Christmas. I hung out with them and even went to a concert to see one of my favorite bands that came to El Paso, As tall as Lions.

After a few days I went with my uncle to Colorado in the middle of the week for a couple of days. He was there for business while I was there to enjoy the rest of my spring break. I didn't go skiing, as I'm not much of a skier, so him and I went hiking and saw beautiful trails and terraces. Some of the restaurants we ate at were very pleasing as I enjoyed some of my last days there.


The violence in Juarez has been seen all over the news, even nationwide. Gaining attention of states across the United States. Living only a short drive away to the border is frightening more than ever as the violence continues. It even hits home when you hear of refugees fleeing to El Paso to escape the corruption in Juarez. It is literally corruption that Juarez is facing. Fear upon even the Mayor has happened as he is threatened.

I truly believe that the only way the United States can help Juarez is by negotiation. Juarez needs to want the help and cooperate with the U.S if they were to receive any help. Mayor Jose Reyes must continue in trying to clean up corruption within the police force which is drastically affected by drugs. People argue that the U.S isn't doing anything, but it's a fact that the U.S cannot just intervene with Mexico and their government, but rather by cooperation. I also do believe we are also somewhat responsible for the situation, but the U.S is not solely to blame on the issue. Yes, we have demand for illegal drugs that cross through the borders, but Mexico itself is corrupt and with U.S regulations it makes it harder for drugs to be smuggled in. I also think that refugees should be allowed in, but be held within certain parameters to where their location is not declared all over the news, therefore, violence spills into neighboring cities.


I would have to say that the class I enjoy the most would be anatomy.
I'm very interested in how the body functions and being able to understand it
is even better. I also like the class because of the teacher. He is very informational and
the environment in the classroom is different from other classes. I also like it because of the
hands on labs and practicals that we are able to do that allow us to interact differently than just taking notes from a book.

The class that i like the least, would have to be probably math. Not that I truly hate the subject or anything but its very tedious. The fact that it's so tedious sort of is what makes me not like it.
Also how problems in math can be so complicated and having to retrieve back to information from years ago that I can barely remember is hard enough, but once i am able to figure out the problem it is rewarding.

35th President

I chose to do my blog on John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He was the 35th president of the United States and born on November 22, 1963. He was the youngest man elected to be President, as well as the youngest to die. He was also the first Roman Catholic President.

He responded to demands by Americans all over, and even took action in dealing
with equal rights, calling for a new civil rights legislation. He was even held against his religion from other people in not wanting to vote for him, but made it clear that he did not speak of his church on public matters, but rather as a Democratic Candidate. Kennedy was also able to ask to Congress to make the Peace Corps where Americans would be able to help other nations that were in need of education and other resources. He was an advocate in speaking out for Women and African Americans, later proposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

"title and registration"- Death Cab for Cutie

I chose this song because I really enjoy the music of this band, Death Cab for Cutie.
I first heard this song in a movie and have liked it ever since.
The song is very easy going and mellow.

I also like the guitar portion of the song. The voice of the lead singer I really like as a lot of
new bands and artists don't sound like him, more of a prototype. The song has me from the start as it contains great lyrics. I also like the song because of the great rhythm and listening to all the instrumentals in the song keeps me at ease.

Michael Phelps opinion....

While people are people, humans make mistakes, no questions asked. We all play a role in society and whether or not it is a good or bad one, it is something to learn from. Now when we depend on people to act a certain way why should it be met to our standards and what people think? Famous people for example are just doing their job, and the side of their life in which they choose what do in their life is their choice, just as ours is. Not all famous people sign contracts vowing to be a role model for an entire world that is watching them but they do their job and that's what should be looked at. I firmly believe that paparrazzi has a big hand in why people tend to have such a problem in situations of actors gone "bad." Honestly I could care less what celebrities do or athletes choose to do with their lives outside of the work place.

Now in the case of Michael Phelps and the whole incident of smoking marijuana, it's simply a choice that he made. I'm pretty positive there are important people that people tend to look up that have done worse, but they haven't gotten caught. As for Michael Phelps, he did. But the mere fact is that it's his life and if people need celebrities as role models then the problem is just that. Celebrities for example as role models, is simply a joke to me. Parents, siblings, family is what people should be looking up to and not other people such as celebrities and athletes. I really don't think Phelps should be resigned from any endorsements as it's his life and who should we be to judge him? it is even seen on television of actors smoking marijuana as part a movie.

"If I could live anywhere in the world it would be..."

I have not lived in El Paso all my life. Yet where I have lived before El Paso is not too far from
it, New Mexico. While I was born here in El Paso, a couple of years were spent in New Mexico as well. There are a number of places that I would love to live; out of the country mostly.

If I could live anywhere it would probably be in Netherlands, Amsterdam. With cool summers and mild winters I wouldn't mind living there. Unlike El Paso with the near soaring three digits during the summer, which is why its known as the "sun city." I also like that the Netherlands has a number of national parks as well as a handful of nature reserves. I would maybe even like to live in Spain as my grandparents are Spaniard. Also maybe even Norway for its eye popping views.

The meaning of "freedom."

While a new president of the United States of America is to be sworn in, in a few days, the meaning of freedom has become more apparent than ever. With a new legacy to be seen, freedom is a standard by which Americans live by every day. Fortunately, Americans are able to enjoy the prospects of freedom as we go about each day.

It is to those Americans serving our country that freedom is extracted from. It is a difficult term that has lead to a number of different interpretations but not one to take for granted. Freedom in my opinion can go in either form of freedom "from" or freedom "to." The freedom to protect against from harm for example, and even freedom to do what a person chooses and not told to by any enforcement (not regarding to laws being broken). While we have the Bill of Rights, it is the fact that we are human, and neither should a bill or any documentation determine whether we are free or not. Those rights wouldn't exist if it weren't for the fact that we are human and let that be what makes us free.


In the near future I wish to pursue a career possibly in nursing.
It would require a bachelor's of science in nursing which would take about four
year of schooling. I would like to specialize in radiology and a radiology nurse.
They are nurses who nurses provide care to patients undergoing diagnostic radiation procedures such as ultrasounds, magnetic resonance imaging, and radiation therapy for oncology diagnoses.

Annual nurse salaries can range from 47,710 to $69,850. Highest 10 percent of nurses earn more than $83,440. Depending on where a nurse works the salary is often different. Some work
in hospitals while others work in homes to provide health services. I would like to pursue this career because I want to help people and educate them as well in the long run.