Grading System

I really don't mind the grading system we have at our school today. Being graded on an individual basis would be more of an ideal system for me, considering I know there are some students who don't bother to try but still end up getting high grades by cheating and what not. I think we should be graded on both assignments and a test at the end of the year. The assignments would help students assess what they are learning any put it on paper and the end of the year tests would only show how they have progressed in their learnings.

The TAKS in my opinion is a joke. All my years of middle school and high school I feel I have been cheated my education due to the TAKS. The only thing the TAKS has taught me is how to take a test. With TAKS in the way of my education, everything in class was based on the TAKS which allowed no other plan of learning as teachers are required to stay within a lesson plan to fit the TAKS in. The TAKS in my opinion doesn't allow teachers to do their jobs, and that is teach. It makes them go by a plan that government has set, and that I think is the problem. Government should step out of the school system. There is too much involment of the government which is taking a toll on students and their education, rather they should be preparing for college than learning how to take a test.

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