The meaning of "freedom."

While a new president of the United States of America is to be sworn in, in a few days, the meaning of freedom has become more apparent than ever. With a new legacy to be seen, freedom is a standard by which Americans live by every day. Fortunately, Americans are able to enjoy the prospects of freedom as we go about each day.

It is to those Americans serving our country that freedom is extracted from. It is a difficult term that has lead to a number of different interpretations but not one to take for granted. Freedom in my opinion can go in either form of freedom "from" or freedom "to." The freedom to protect against from harm for example, and even freedom to do what a person chooses and not told to by any enforcement (not regarding to laws being broken). While we have the Bill of Rights, it is the fact that we are human, and neither should a bill or any documentation determine whether we are free or not. Those rights wouldn't exist if it weren't for the fact that we are human and let that be what makes us free.

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