20-30 years from now.

I really don't know where I will be in the next 20-30 years. I can only hope for the best and that I am happy where I end up. I'm going to college in San Antonio this year in pursuit of a degree in International Studies or Environmental Design. Which ever I choose to end up doing I plan to travel. I might not even pursue a degree in these majors in the sense that I may change my mind.

I know that I want to travel later in life as much as I can. I hope my job will put me in that position of traveling to places I've never been. I'm not really much of a "kids" person, I don't mind them, but I really don't see myself with children later on. Maybe adopt? My mother says since I say there won't be any grandchildren from me that I WILL end up with more than she had. I really hope not. I love animals, and I'm positively sure I will have as many pets that my allergies will allow me to. I might live in San Antonio but I do like change so there will most likely a number of places that I will be living. Some of my hobbies include playing the flute. I think I might play when I go to college since I've been in band since I was 11. I've enjoyed it and also playing in the chamber orchestra and symphony orchestra has been nice so I might being do something of that sort on the side. 20 years from now, I'll be 40, I hope to be married, possibly, but that's not guaranteed. I see myself doing something that I love and I hope it happens.

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