
I have learned a variety of things in this class. I was never familiar with many of the programs that I am now able to work with. Programs such as Adobe Photoshop, have helped me in doing projects that I do outside of this class. I wasn't too familiar with program at the beginning but now that I've been exposed to it and how to work it has helped me tremendously. Another program that I've learned to work with is, Sharepoint.

Making websites has its perks with this program than at the beginning when we were just using HTML code. It is much easier to make a website with this program and navigating it. I'm glad I've taken this class because I've learned a lot with computer programs. Maybe for next year
use more interesting projects and more time for them so the students can put together a
decent site and what not to get all their ideas into the project.


The video that I did in my web design was about New York.
Looking at the video of Times Square I automatically thought
oh September 11, 2004. I chose to do this because it was an event
to remember.

Things that I would have done differently on my video is add more photos from
the event that took place. I alo maybe would have used more of my own videos that
I had. Since computers were slow sometimes it was kind of hard to get all
that I wanted done in the video. I also would have done more visual effects if I had the extra time as well as add my own music instead of the ones provided.

EPISD rule

"We have reinforced for a number of years that the use of cell phones or any other kinds of electronic devices while operating a train or a bus is absolutely prohibited," Grabauskas said. In regards to this quote I can completely understand why the would ban these devices since the risk is so dangerous for the passengers, the driver himself, and pedestrians, and other drivers around. EPISD's rule that says that students are not have devices such as "Headsets, radios, cellular phones, etc" in relation has no relation to the CNN story. There is a difference between being a student and being an operator of a motor vehicle. The operator of the motor vehicle has passengers in which he/she is responsible for to transport, and their lives are in his/her hands.

I have mixed feelings about the rule because I know how some of my peers can be very rude to teachers when they have such devices out especially when they are teaching, it is completely disrespectful to that teacher who has enough trouble trying to keep the attention of all the students. Yet, I have seen when teachers let students listen to their iPods and what not in the class after the teacher is done explaining the curriculum, the noise level drops tremendously. It seems as if everybody is actually working than exerting their energy on annoying the teacher. I don't agree with not being allowed to have these devices especially cell phones with us AT ALL because shootings do happen at schools, accidents happen and there's not always a security guard around or for that fact the nurse is not always around in case of an emergency. I honestly think that if there is a rule, the rule should be that when class starts each student puts their devices in a box where the teacher is able to keep track and at the end of class or lecture allow them to retrieve them. If a student chooses not to have put their phone in, and they are caught texting, or listening to music then the punishment will be taken. Even maybe a more serious punishment since they were allowed in the first place to put the device in the box before class started.

20-30 years from now.

I really don't know where I will be in the next 20-30 years. I can only hope for the best and that I am happy where I end up. I'm going to college in San Antonio this year in pursuit of a degree in International Studies or Environmental Design. Which ever I choose to end up doing I plan to travel. I might not even pursue a degree in these majors in the sense that I may change my mind.

I know that I want to travel later in life as much as I can. I hope my job will put me in that position of traveling to places I've never been. I'm not really much of a "kids" person, I don't mind them, but I really don't see myself with children later on. Maybe adopt? My mother says since I say there won't be any grandchildren from me that I WILL end up with more than she had. I really hope not. I love animals, and I'm positively sure I will have as many pets that my allergies will allow me to. I might live in San Antonio but I do like change so there will most likely a number of places that I will be living. Some of my hobbies include playing the flute. I think I might play when I go to college since I've been in band since I was 11. I've enjoyed it and also playing in the chamber orchestra and symphony orchestra has been nice so I might being do something of that sort on the side. 20 years from now, I'll be 40, I hope to be married, possibly, but that's not guaranteed. I see myself doing something that I love and I hope it happens.

Grading System

I really don't mind the grading system we have at our school today. Being graded on an individual basis would be more of an ideal system for me, considering I know there are some students who don't bother to try but still end up getting high grades by cheating and what not. I think we should be graded on both assignments and a test at the end of the year. The assignments would help students assess what they are learning any put it on paper and the end of the year tests would only show how they have progressed in their learnings.

The TAKS in my opinion is a joke. All my years of middle school and high school I feel I have been cheated my education due to the TAKS. The only thing the TAKS has taught me is how to take a test. With TAKS in the way of my education, everything in class was based on the TAKS which allowed no other plan of learning as teachers are required to stay within a lesson plan to fit the TAKS in. The TAKS in my opinion doesn't allow teachers to do their jobs, and that is teach. It makes them go by a plan that government has set, and that I think is the problem. Government should step out of the school system. There is too much involment of the government which is taking a toll on students and their education, rather they should be preparing for college than learning how to take a test.