The Scariest thing that ever happened to me

I was home alone one time, around the same time of year during this month. It was a chilly night and you could hear the branches of the trees rubbing against the windows of my home. My mom was dropping my dad off at the airport. I was watching a movie to keep my mind off of the noises I could hear outside.

Eating ice cream on the couch I heard a loud "bang!" and i dropped my bowl and stood up. My dog started to bark obnoxiously at the back two doors of the house. I was frightened and tried to call my mom. Turns out, that loud bang was an electric wire that had been cut from the strong winds outside. Thus, I had no power to the phone. I was extremely scared and then I heard noises in the garage. My dog and I, me following behind him, went towards the noise when we heard it getting louder. It sounded like scrambling and scratching on the door. When I opened the door my cat ran right between my feet. I had forgotten I had a cat at the time since I was completely paranoid from all the creepy noises outside. Pretty much the scariest thing that has happened to me.

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