These are the reasons why i don't go to church

My family really isn't considerably religious to start off with. Even though I was baptized in a Catholic church at a very young age, I find that labeling of religions is very problematic. My parents aren't the most religious people either, but I don't believe that makes them any less of a person.

While church may be a place to love and worship a higher belief, I believe that you are entitled to believe what you want to, and for that fact; choose to express that belief whether it is in your home or in a church. I also feel that sometimes some churches are very exclusive and institutionalized. I feel that they are prudent to some people, such as homosexuals (not accepting some for who they are even though they are people) While I'm going off with the negatives about what reasons to why I don't go to church, I just think that if you believe in something, you shouldn't have to prove it to anybody or by that I mean any association, for it will make you "closer" to that individual(s).

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